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Ask For Help When You Need It!

I always end my classes with this reminder- "ask for help when you need it." Why? Because I know the power of remembering that I don't have to do it all alone. When stressed, isolated, and feeling alone, we ease our burdens by remembering that we are not failing in some way. We are simply human.

This is a topic I feel and live deeply. As I welcome you here to my new site, my new blog, and my new offerings, I offer this as a respite for you.

Ease Your Worry Tips-

  • When overwhelmed, notice if you are truly offering yourself self-care or is it a habit of self-sacrifice? Where can you give yourself a break?

  • Discern between emotional needs and physical needs- break it down more clearly.

  • Ask- "who is actually judging me?" Most of the time, it's about negative self talk.

Set up regular meet-ups. It is easier to connect and ask for support when we are meeting our peeps often. Just 15 min check ins on zoom can make a world of difference.

Also, start you day with the question- "What can I leave unfinished for now?" This sets a tone of realistic expectation, allowing you to step off the train of perfectionism.

Check out this article for A Little Support.

And peek around my site to learn more about My Services.

May you feel welcome here.

holding a stone heart by water, Yoga From The Heart

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Theresa Merkling
Theresa Merkling
2021년 3월 08일

sometimes asking for help is the scariest thing - what if you are rejected? Putting oneself out there is a big risk and the emotional responses are the hardest to accept.

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