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Emotional Rollercoaster

Understanding our emotions and befriending our inner experiences is one of the markers of healthy coping and higher emotional intelligence. What does it mean to weather the rocky road of highs and lows? Most of us are feeling the effects of this past year; perhaps being more reactive and feeling less resilient.

Emotions are managed by getting familiar with them, not controlling them. Wise clarity grows with awareness and a supportive attitude. Kind reflection and coming into relationship with our inner life is the beginning of shifting from a control attitude to a steady endurance of the ebb and flow.

Emotional intelligence is the result of cultivating a more skillful depth of awareness. And the simple and step-by-step practice of balancing the shifts of emotion and caring for ourselves begins with presence and moment-to-moment reflection and checking in.

Begin to notice how you rollercoaster through your life. And know that the mindfulness practices you cultivate in the small moments of your day are the tools to navigate the deep dive of this wild ride that is the gritty messiness of your wonderful life.

Check out this video on Emotional Intelligence.

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