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Peace Practice

Why bother with practices?

Are we working toward self-improvement?

Trying to be happier?

Improving our health?

What is most important?

Getting clear with our underlying intentions helps us to sharpen our goals.

Allowing yourself to change those intentions is even more skillful.

It is also said that "we never practice for ourselves alone."

This is an important reminder to help us move beyond our own surface impulses.

Our hopes and dreams toward the fruits of our practices are important.

However, practicing for courage, strength, compassion, and peace are equally important.

When we care for ourselves the way we would care for others, we are stronger and wise.

From here, we are more able to show up for others.

This has poignant meaning as we watch the world struggle with war and peace.

May our actions and intentions guide us to offer our compassion and strength.

May it be so.


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