What is right relationship? What does it mean to take care of each other?
How do we work with grief, anger, forgiveness, and resentment?
We communicate. We never give up. We take care of ourselves.
Our relationships matter. They may be one of the biggest predictors of our lives.
How do we want to show up? Where do we get into trouble?
Where do we get stuck? Overwhelmed? Frustrated?
How do we mend our tired, overworked relationships?
Right relationship offers insight and guidelines into our behavior.
It is here, in the midst of difficulty, we can shift and grow.
When we shift our view to Allyship rather than Individual Needs, we create possibility.

Consistently checking in is key. Empathy. Engagement. Humility. Trust.
Sound familiar? Are these the qualities you'd like to embody?
What happens when we get hurt or feel left out or misunderstood?
We shut down or lash out.
How do we stay in the middle?
Mindful Awareness. Self Care. Authenticity.
A lifetime of Right Relationship takes great care and continually checking in.
Come home to Peace and Mutuality.