Why gratitude? Because it helps us mark time.
We are in a subtle shift between summer and fall.
Yet we would easily miss it if we aren't paying attention.
If our day-to-day was simply about moving from one thing to the next.
Gratitude calls us home. Invites us to re-remember our lives in their truth.

The simple and gracious pause helps us to access this still point.
And then we benefit greatly from the effects of gratitude.
This practice becomes about the knowing itself, not the actual point of gratitude.
And nothing in our lives actually gets in the way.
No matter what we are holding, or what we think we are missing, gratitude helps.
This potent entry point into self care is vital in times of transition especially.
As you begin to sense this shift from summer to fall, notice the nuances of gratitude.
What are you leaving behind this summer? What lifts you up as you move forward?