How to be a Rock Star- show the world how to be radically secure in yourself.
Fun. Flashy. Forever True to You.
This does not mean you "have it all figured out."
It does not mean you are "arrogant."
It actually means you accept yourself as you are.
That's Radical. It's Transformative.
Learning how "to be you." To lean into this hard life.
To care for your wobbles and missteps.
How? Practice!

Every moment you check in and pause is an opportunity to express an inner knowing,
a way of showing up to your real life. This helps others to do the same.
Use your yoga. Use your mindfulness practices.
Use your spiritual practice.
Trust yourself. Your gut feelings and all that brings you joy.
Be who you are. Not who you think you should be.
Be messy. This is wholeness.
Perfectly imperfect.
Be Your Own Best Friend.