A Thoughtful Moment- Drop Back In
You pause in the midst of all that arises. You practice staying with body, mind, and heart. You drop back in to the light-filled breath.
A Thoughtful Moment- Drop Back In
A Thoughtful Moment- Who I Am
A Thoughtful Moment- The Gap
A Thoughtful Moment- Unraveling
A Thoughtful Moment- For Now
Airports & Humanity
A Thoughtful Moment- Who Am I
A Thoughtful Moment- Life Living
A Thoughtful Moment- Remember Well
A Thoughtful Moment- Begin Again
A Thoughtful Moment- Fill The Well
A Thoughtful Moment- Ease the Burden
A Thoughtful Moment- Easy Breath
A Thoughtful Moment- A Simple Pause
A Thoughtful Moment- Hold Lightly
A Thoughtful Moment- Awareness
A Thoughtful Moment- More Space
A Thoughtful Moment- Rest Here
A Thoughtful Moment- Land Here
A Thoughtful Moment- Ocean Breath